2023 Cardinal Clippers Womens Golf Association

Our membership consists of ladies of all ages and skill levels. 



 • Season           April – October

  Course          Cardinal Course



 •Start time- Shotguns are between 8:30 – 9:00 am on Wednesdays, depending on the season


There is a yearly membership fee which goes into the treasury to help fund various things such as league and tournament prizes and the Christmas luncheon.  You must also maintain a handicap through the VSGA (GHIN).


If you would enjoy a nice walk (or ride) around a beautiful golf course, come join our group.  Applications are available in the pro shop and in the clubhouse lobby beginning in late February or early March


For More Information

Contact Woods Woolwine at woolwineea@nnva.gov, Pat Morrison at pattyblueeyes@aol.com (757-898-8535) for more information or to join.